
Opinions voiced here are not necessarily those of my employer...although they should be!

Tuesday, May 31, 2011

Things fall apart...

There are days (weeks, months, seasons) that are so tightly scheduled and so dependent on many people sticking to the plan that all it takes is one person calling in sick or one emergency to affect thing into next month. The Butterfly Effect of social services. One state senator sneezes and two hundred positions are lost. Etc.

I am posting from my personal phone out of utter frustration. I am supposed to be a "mobile" caseworker which means the expectation is that I am working in the field most of the time. And I have equipment that is designed to allow that.


I think no one else got the memo. People expect me to be in the office at their convenience, answer phones and emails immediately, and meet all deadlines. Which is easy to do....from the office. Not so much from the drivers seat of a camry.

I may start a pool...pick the day I give my two weeks notice...

Thursday, May 26, 2011

It's not my fault...

If law enforcement has to be called because of your actions, it is so not my fault if the children are traumatized, it is YOUR fault. Next time listen to what the judge says, it may not be what you want, but know what? Since you can't put me in jail and he can, he is the one I'm listening to....

Friday, May 20, 2011

I'm from the State, I'm here to help

Just a thought, but if a college graduate and professional bureaucrat cannot get a driver's license or State issued ID in less than three trips and five hours, how are our clients, especially those employed in jobs with no paid leave, supposed to do it?